Water Wheel Ceremony

You are invited to join us in a blessing and gratitude ceremony at the Water Wheel in Frenchy’s Field on Sunday 29th at 6 PM. Richard Spotted Tail, Lakota Chief Medicine Man will lead the ceremony. This is a unique opportunity to receive blessings and healing and give gratitude. Donations will be welcome for his journey to new York and Japan to participate in blessing and healing ceremonies for Mother Earth around the world.
We will hold a small pot luck at the end as we welcome the sunset.
For more information, call Raphael at 575 770 1228
If you would like a healing or blessing ceremony for your home, call me and I will pass on Richard’s phone number.
It would be nice to know if you will plan to come. Please let me know by email. If you have some time to weed at the water wheel, all the more thanks.